My husband thinks I am crazy for having started decorating for Christmas. After all we have not even had Thanksgiving. The question of why decorate so early? It's not like I am a decorator or a home decor blogger. It is simply because us moms get caught up in getting everyone and everything ready, and perfect for every event of the season. Christmas programs, school parties, parties with friends, charity events, multiple family parties, gingerbread houses, cookie decorating, light shows, keeping the house clean-ish.... and don't forget Christmas cards, shopping, wrapping, sleeping (if you're lucky). We sometimes lose the enjoyment meant to come out of all these events.
NOT this year! This year I am taking the joy of Christmas back. This year I am decorating early!
I have planned my daughter's ugly sweater party to back up to our cookie decorating day. I am only rolling out sugar cookies and making icing 1 time this year. The rest of this Christmas season I want to be able to enjoy baking whatever floats my boat when the mood strikes. I want to be able to actually sit on my couch and watch Christmas movies with my family. That is why I am decorating early.
I would love to be one of those people that sees something on Pinterest and then follows through. That however, is NOT me. There always seems to be about a hundred things going on at once. See list above...
This holiday season, I actually followed through on a few decor items I pinned!
The Target Dollar Spot was awesome this year in helping with that. Most of the other Pinterest inspirations were "junk" I had laying around. I nearly pitched half of the things in the pictures years ago. Thank goodness I kept them!
Well, I am off to clean my house before the chaos of the weekend with 7 people home at once begins. Tis the season to take back your Joy!
Later Loves!